The 1852 Final year question paper of the Calcutta Medical College. Can you answer?

(Story By : Team MHT)      

Following are the questions asked from the final year Medical Students of Calcutta Medical College in 1852-53. The subjects asked were Surgery, Medicine, Anatomy & Physiology, Descriptive Anatomy, Botany, Materia Medica, Midwifery and Medical Jurisprudence. Next week, we will be publishing the answers written by respective Gold Medalists of each subject.  




Questions for Final Students 



Enumerate the several kinds of Urinary Calculi. Describe the outward appearance and also the composition of each kind. What are the symptoms of stone in the bladder and the various plans recommended for its removal? 

Describe minutely the Anatomy of the parts concerned in the lateral operation of lithotomy. State the circumstances that contra-indicate the operation and the means commonly employed to mitigate or remove them. Detail the several steps of the operation and the dangers to be guarded against in performing it. Describe the after-treatment both in fovourable circumstances, and in those which often occur to complicate it.



Give the pathological definition of Dysentery, its symptoms and diagnosis. Mention the more common predisposing and exciting causes of the disease, and the influence they are each supposed to exert in modifying its form and severity, especially in the European constitution in a climate like that of lower Bengal. Describe the various forms or stages the disease is apt to assume in such a climate, and Give in detail the treatment most appropriate in each. Give in detail the most convenient formulæ or prescriptions for the exhibition of the various remedies usually employed. 

What are the other abdominal viscera or structures found most frequently to sympathize morbidly with dysenteric disease? In what forms do these morbid actions manifest themselves, and how are they best treated? 

Detail the ordinary local post-mortem appearances, as witnessed as well in protracted or chronic cases of dysentery, as in those that prove more rapidly fatal. Illustrate your answer to this question by details of cases you have seen in Hospital.

Honor and Test Examinations



1st- Describe the choroid membrane of the eye, annulus albidus, the ciliary processes, and the Iris. 

2nd- Describe the changes which take place in the blood during the process of Respiration. 

3rd- Name the muscles which are concerned in the movements of Respiration. 

4th- Name the nerves which are distributed to the muscles of Respiration. 



1st Descriptive Anatomy- State by what means is the thigh bone kept upright on the leg bones, as in standing. 

2nd Surgical Anatomy- Describe the parts necessarily exposed in a dissection of the cheek from without inwards, from skin to the mucous membrane. 

1st Surgical Anatomy- State what muscles, vessels and nerves are found in immediate relation with the neck and condyle of the lower jaw. 

2nd Descriptive Anatomy- State what muscles maintain the leg standing upright upon the foot, and how they do it. 



1. Describe the structure, contents and development of a vegetable cell. 

2. In what parts of a vegetable are the fixed oils chiefly found, and in what the essential oils? 

3. When a healthy growing plant is kept in the dark what effects are produced upon it, by the protracted deprivation of light and what is the rationale of the process ? Describe the principles of the classification of inflorescence, and state the leading forms of each division. 

5. Describe the nature of Quincunxial Estivation. 

6. What kind of vernation is presented by the Fern tribe? 

7. Describe the manner in which impregnation takes place in phanerogamous plants. 

8. What are the leading sub-divisions of monocotyledonous plants? 

9. What is there remarkable in the embryo of the Guttiferæ or Naghesur tribe, and of the genus Cuscuta or Alegoochee Lutta? 

10. In what manner does the ovulum of the Cycade and Conifera differ from the ordinary type of phanerogamous plants ?


1. Name the plants of the order Solanaceae which are used in medicine. Describe their physiological effects as a class, and mention the effects peculiar to any particular plant. State the therapeutical uses of the preparations of these plants. 

2. Describe the theory of saponification. Give a diagram of the chemical changes which occur in the preparation of the hard soap of the Pharmacopoeia. 

3. What ingredients are used in the preparation of sulphuric æther? Describe the mode of preparing it, and the chemical changes which take place during the process. 

4. How is the disulphate of quinine prepared? 

5. What are the chemical changes which occur in the preparation of the trisnitrate of bismuth? 

6. How is the iodide of potassium prepared? Give a diagram of the chemical changes. 7. How is the strong liquor ammonia prepared? 

8. Name the pharmacopoeial preparations of opium. State the proportion of opium in each. 


1. What are the various pathological conditions in which albumen is found in the Urine? Give also the tests for its presence. 

2. Give the symptoms, course, ordinary duration, causes, and treatment of a case of Remittent Fever of pernicious type. 

3. Describe the anatomical characters and physical signs of Pneumonia. Give an outline of the treatment to be adopted in its several stages. 

4. Enumerate the general characters of the exanthemata. Discuss the advantages and usual results of Vaccination, as contrasted with the improper and mischievous practice of Inoculation. 

5. Mention the sources from which blood may issue in Hæmoptysis. 

6. What are the causes by which the heart may be displaced? 

7. The symptoms, causes, and treatment of scurvy? 

8. Give the external characters of Scrophula. Is Phthisis rare in Bengal ? 


1. What are the different varieties of hernia? Detail the symptoms, treatment and general management of strangulated hernia, both before and after the operation for its relief. 

2. What are the different varieties of the venereal ulcer met with in practice, and the different forms of constitutional symptoms likely to result from them? 

3. What are the different causes of retention of urine? Detail the treatment of retention of urine under the different circumstances you meet with that disease in practice. 

4. What is an aneurism ? Describe its origin, progress, varieties, and treatment.


1. Enumerate the signs of the Child's death before and during labor. 

2. What changes take place in the Uterus during the first ten days after delivery? 

3. Describe the first stage of labor, from its first precursory pains to the complete dilatation of the Os Uteri. 

4. Give the diagnosis between retroversion, inversion, polypus and prolapsus Uteri. 

5. What are the causes of hæmorrhage arising after labor, the symptoms, and the treatment? 


1. Describe the symptoms, treatment, post mortem appearances, and tests for poisoning by oxalic acid. 

2. If you had a dead new-born child to examine, how would you determine whether the child had been born dead or living? 

3. Describe the symptoms, treatment, post mortem appearances and tests for poisoning by arsenious acid. 

4. How would you distinguish an incised wound inflicted before death from an incised wound inflicted some time after death? 


5. Narrate the post mortem appearances produced by hanging.